Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Separated at Birth?

After posting, earlier today, the photo of myself speaking yesterday at the Westchester County Board of Legislators, I ran across a photo of Maggie Gallagher, one of the people from NOM, the National Organization "for" Marriage, speaking up in Albany against marriage. (I put the "for" in the organization name quotation marks because it's actually Orwellian Newspeak on the pat of NOM and actually means "against" - Maggie's organization is well known for being implacably opposed to laws extending the connubium of marriage on a gender-neutral basis.)

Though there appears to be some superficial resemblance between Maggie and me, we were not actually separated at birth. 

We may live in the same county, but we are light years apart on the issues of justice, fairness and equality.

Maggie makes a lot of money running NOM for a large salary, and I make no money at all working with NYTRO (The New York Transgender Rights Organization) on a voluntary basis when I have a moment apart from my day job, and for no compensation except the satisfaction of working for equality.

Still and all, while the exterior appearances might be vaguely similar if one squints at the picture, I would hope that one can tell us apart.  Look carefully: I'm the one not lying through my teeth.

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